My super-awesome, totally-yummy, "keep your hands off my seconds" nut-free Meatloaf!
1 zucchini, grated
1 teaspoon salt
2 lbs grass-fed ground beef
1 diced onion
2-4 minced garlic cloves
1/2 cup fresh herbs - basil, oregano, marjoram, or a mix.
1 teaspoon dried herbs. (oregano or any italian mix)
2 eggs
3 Tablespoons tomato paste (1 foil pack)
1 can diced tomatoes (optional)
4-6 oz marinated liver, grated, or diced very fine if not frozen
(I mentioned this in my last recipe- liver is worlds upon worlds better if you marinate it in lemon juice for at least 30 minutes & up to a day. I cook some of it on its own, and freeze the rest in approximately 5 oz chunks to use later in meatballs or meatloaf.)
What to do:
First, grate the zucchini and salt it. Use your hands to mix the salt in well, then leave it while you get everything else ready. Grate the liver into a separate bowl. Be careful if its frozen that you don't get frost bite on your hands. (trust me!)
Scoop the zucchini up in both hands and squeeeeeeeeze. Squeeze some more. I dump that onto a doubled paper towel and gently squeeze again to get all the water out. Don't skip this, or you won't have a loaf so much as a soup. It starts out as about 2 cups grated zucchini, and ends up about a cup after all the water is out.
Get your slow-cooker ready with a light swipe of oil.
Mix all the ingredients by hand thoroughly and form into a loaf to fit your slow cooker. I get it close, drop it in, and then push the sides in all around to make it a little taller than I want. It will settle a little while cooking.
Sometimes I add a can of chopped tomato over the top. Its not really necessary, but it makes a great sauce that can be served over veggies.
Cook 5-7 hours on low... plus or minus depending on when you want dinner and how your cooker cooks. I usually start on high for an hour and then turn it down for another 4-6.
Serve with veggies, roasted root veggies, or mashed rutabagas...